
NGL I forgot the original prompt and idea of the challenge, but it goes something like this. Here is an analog signal 01000011011100100110111101101101011101010110110001100101011011100111010000001010 transform it based on the given tranforming thing.

                Q (+1)
        (0, 1)  |   (1, 1)   
            o   |   o
(-1) I  --------|------- I (+1)
        (0, 0)  |   (1, 0)
            o   |   o 
                Q (-1)

In addition, the answer should be given in alternating IQ order like so

 I    Q    I    Q
1.0 -1.0  -1.0 -1.0


From this it looks like it’s a basic encoding of 1s and 0s into 1s and -1s. Basically if the bit was as 0, the resulting I or Q would be a -1.0 and vice versa. Therefore I quickly wrote this script and it solved the challenge. EZPZ

bits = "01000011011100100110111101101101011101010110110001100101011011100111010000001010"

for i in bits:
    if i == "0":
        print("-1.0", end=" ")
        print("1.0", end=" ")